Pathways to Starlight

Pathways to Starlight, Painting
Pathways to Starlight
This was painted in April/May of 2020. The brand new virus Covid 19 was rampaging through the news and the world. The pandemic and social isolation had been going on for 2 months. The world had shut down. This is a case of sometimes you don't now what a painting is about until you look back at it and "see it". A year or more after, I realized this painting is about Covid - the corona virus. Notice the shape of the stars racing across the heavens. Notice also the haphazard paths that do not intersect - there is no path that connects the houses, the people are separated. The house on the left looks like it is screaming, the main path is not connected to the house. This painting bothered me after I painted it and I decided it wasn't good enough to go to a gallery, and I hid it away in my shelves. Then one day when I was moving pieces around - I saw it and realized why it caused me to feel upset - and I put it back away.

Painting (Oil)    20 x 24 x 2    $2,150.00